The Wedding Touch is a Company that specialises in producing the finishing touches that pull a wedding together.
We produce framed seating plans, menus, place names and artwork. Right down to cupcakes for that special occasion.
If you would like something different for your special day please contact us, we may be able to make your dream a reality.

Email: Tel: 07882060782

WARNING : Using the above information for marketing purposes of any description is strictly prohibited.

Saturday 30 April 2011

Place Names for the 'Jane-May & Graham' Wedding

Place Names produced by Carren Moulder - 'Artistic Touch'
With a water mark 'J  G' behind each name.

The Shakespeare Seating Plan on Stand

Designed and produced by Carren Moulder of 'Artistic Touch'
The names 'Jane-May & Graham' were hand painted onto watercolour paper.

Thursday 28 April 2011

Chocolate Feast

Chocolate sponge with a chocolate and pink swirl frosting, topped with chocolates and flake.

Easter Cupcakes

Chocolate sponge base with vanilla frosting, chocolate flake and chocolate mini eggs

Place Cards

Card Place Names with an embossed heart and a swarovski crystal in the corner.

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Shakespeare Menu

The Menu is on one side, with the table name on the other.  These are printed on card for the center of each table.

A Shakespeare Wedding - Seating Plan

This is the seating plan before I placed all the guests names on.  Each table was a different Shakespeare play.

Artwork for a Wedding

This is a hand painted canvas with swarovski crystals on the dress.